sábado, 15 de abril de 2017


Pre-Algebra DeMYSTiFieD, Second Edition

Description - Pre-Algebra DeMYSTiFieD, Second Edition

As you know, in order to build a tall building, you need to start with a strong foundation. It is also true in mastering mathematics that you need to start with a strong foundation. This book presents the basic topics in arithmetic and introductory algebra in a logical, easy-to-read format. This book can be
used as an independent study course or as a supplement to a pre-algebra course. To learn mathematics, you must know the vocabulary, understand the rules and procedures, and be able to apply these rules and procedures to mathematical problems in order to solve them. This book is written in a style that will help you with learning. Important terms have been boldfaced, and important rules and procedures have been italicized. Basic facts and helpful suggestions can be found in Math Notes. Each section has several worked-out examples showing you how to use the rules and procedures. Each section also contains several practice problems for you to work out to see if you understand the concepts. The correct answers are provided immediately after the problems so that you can see if you have solved them correctly. At the end of each chapter is a 20-question multiple-choice quiz. If you answer most of the problems correctly, you can move on to the next chapter. If not, please repeat the chapter. Make sure that you do not look at the answer before you have attempted to solve the problem.


CHAPTER 1 Whole Numbers
CHAPTER 2 Integers
CHAPTER 3 Fractions: Part 1
CHAPTER 4 Fractions: Part 2
CHAPTER 5 Decimals
CHAPTER 6 Percent
CHAPTER 7 Expression and Equations
CHAPTER 8 Ratio and Proportion
CHAPTER 9 Informal Geometry
CHAPTER 10 Measurement
CHAPTER 11 Graphing
CHAPTER 12 Operations with Monomials and Polynomials
Final Exam

Technical Data of the Book:

Nº de páginas: 302 págs.
Language: English
Format: pdf
Weight: 4 MB

Download Link:


Download Guide:

If you are having difficulty downloading this book see the following video tutorial.

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1 comentarios:

19 de agosto de 2018, 9:57 a.m. delete

Excelente información brindada, gracias por ello.


Hola amigo lector, bienvenido..!