sábado, 15 de abril de 2017

College Algebra and Trigonometry - Carl Stitz y Jeff Zeager,

College Algebra: Carl Stitz, Jeff Zeager

Description - College Algebra and Trigonometry - Carl Stitz y Jeff Zeager,

Thank you for your interest in our book, but more importantly, thank you for taking the time to read the Preface. I always read the Prefaces of the textbooks which I use in my classes because I believe it is in the Preface where I begin to understand the authors - who they are, what their motivation for writing the book was, and what they hope the reader will get out of reading the text. Pedagogical issues such as content organization and how professors and students should best use a book can usually be gleaned out of its Table of Contents, but the reasons behind the choices authors make should be shared in the Preface. Also, I feel that the Preface of a textbook should demonstrate the authors’ love of their discipline and passion for teaching, so that I come away believing that they really want to help students and not just make money. Thus, I thank my fellow Preface-readers again for giving me the opportunity to share with you the need and vision which guided the creation of this
book and passion which both Carl and I hold for Mathematics and the teaching of it.


1 Relations and Functions
2 Linear and Quadratic Functions
3 Polynomial Functions
4 Rational Functions
5 Further Topics in Functions
6 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
7 Hooked on Conics
8 Systems of Equations and Matrices
9 Sequences and the Binomial Theorem
10 Foundations of Trigonometry
11 Applications of Trigonometry

Technical Data of the Book:

Nº de páginas: 919 págs.
language: English
Format: pdf
Weight: 10 MB

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College Algebra and Trigonometry - Carl Stitz y Jeff Zeager,
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Hola amigo lector, bienvenido..!